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Rethinking - “Youth, Land and Farming” in our modern society

 According to the United Nations World Health Organization, "by 2030, six out of every ten people will live in a city, and by 2050, this proportion will increase to seven out of ten people," implying that more young people than ever are moving to cities and towns to find work, leaving few behind to work in rural areas. Kenya's rural population is declining as a result of urbanization. The majority of Kenya's population is young. Food insecurity will be a major threat to health, social welfare, and economic development if they do not engage in agriculture. Engaging youth in agriculture has recently become a hot topic and has risen to the top of the development agenda, as there is growing concern around the world that young people have become disenchanted with agriculture. Women Business Hub is challenging this narrative by reintroducing young people to modern farming technology through the use of vertical farming bags and digital agribusiness education. 


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